2017年3月5日 星期日

費雍醜聞纏身 7成民調逼退

Conservative presidential candidate Francois Fillon delivers his speech during a campaign meeting in Aubervilliers, outside Paris, France, Saturday, March 4, 2017. Fillon, whose campaign has been unraveling over impending corruption charges, vowed to remake France in a speech on Saturday, a day before what amounts to his last stand, a rally near the Eiffel Tower widely seen as a test of his staying power via the number of supporters he can muster. (AP Photo/Christophe Ena)中國時報【諶悠文╱綜合報導】法國中間偏右派「共和黨」總統候選人、前總理費雍醜聞纏身,支持率直直落。根據最新民調,約70%民眾希望他退選。面對選情日趨嚴峻 ...

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