2016年9月30日 星期五

美列車撞上車站 20年已3起

This photo provided by Ian Samuel shows the scene of a train crash in Hoboken, N.J., on Thursday, Sept. 29, 2016. A commuter train barreled into the New Jersey rail station during the Thursday morning rush hour, causing serious damage. The train came to a halt in a covered area between the station's indoor waiting area and the platform. A metal structure covering the area collapsed. ( Ian Samuel via AP)(中央社記者黃兆平紐約29日專電)新澤西捷運局(NJT)通勤列車意外撞站事件,美聯邦國家運輸安全委員會已著手調查,這也是荷波肯車站過去約20年第3起重大事故 ...

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